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"solaimlai ilavarasi"


Solaimalai Ilavarasi is a classical tamil novel by Kalki R.Krishnamurthy. It’s a very good written heart breaking love story during the reign of British in India. An excellent novel with two timelines, both has love and patriotism. The characters are depicted nicely with their past lives.

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Ra. Krishnamurthy

Ramaswamy Aiyer Krishnamurthy (9 September 1899 – 5 December 1954), better known by his pen name Kalki, was an Indian writer, journalist, poet, critic and Indian independence activist.

He was named after "Kalki", the tenth and last avatar of the Hindu God Vishnu. His writings include over 120 short stories, 10 novellas, 5 novels, 3 historical romances, editorial and political writings and hundreds of film and music reviews.

Kalki R. Krishnamurthy

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